A bit about me
Female | Scorpio | born in 1990-1999 | from: Russian Federation
I am currently in Moscow
Hello everyone! I'm looking for a nice, peaceful, calm and friendly place of work with kids in China. I have a lot of experience working with children, I really like to spend time with them and enjoy it. Thats why I love my work so much. With the full energy and warmth of my heart I am ready to start work asap! Contact with via email katyakotova94@yahoo.com or WeChat katekot94. Waiting for your feedback :)
Here's some details of my skills below:
Personal data: Kotova Ekaterina Igorevna
Date of birth: 09.11.1994
Place of birth: Moscow region, Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Lobachevskogo street, 24-19
Mobile: +79853595007, katyakotova94@yahoo.com
Work experience:
Rocketbank company - bank specialist 2016-2018;
Counselor at the children's summer international camp SZARVAS in Hungary 2014-2015, 2017-2018;
freelance- babysitter (periodic part-time jobs);
English teacher for children in a training center, Suzhou, China -2019
Education :
University - MSLU (Moscow State Linguistic University) Bachelor degree of international management - 2016;
School - Moscow Center of Education No.1311 international language school (Hebrew and English) - 2012
Additional skills:
music school (possession of musical instruments), choreographic school, sports school (wushu), participation in the organization and conduct of children's camps, participation in volunteer programs
Russian, English, Hebrew
Personality traits:
stress resistant, kind, communicative, hardworking, polite, initiative, creative, friendly
Music (singing and playing instruments: guitar and piano), Art, Psychology, Teaching children, Traveling, Active lifestyle (skateboarding, snowboarding, dancing), Linguistics, Culture, International relations, Cinema