A bit about me

Male | Virgo | born in 1970-1979 | from: United States of America
I am currently in Huizhou,Guangdong
PHONE: (86) 183 207 24554
WeChat: wxid_dwovs6oxm24422
EMAIL: jimmyenglish@163.com


June, 2017 to present: worked with various schools as a freelance teacher, teaching all levels of students from kindergarten to business people many. I also taught in individual homes tutoring children as well as in communities teaching groups of children.

August 2016 to June, 2017: Global Education (Training Center), here I taught business students at factories including Lenovo, Bridgestone, Desay, and others. I also heldnglish corners for student to come to the school and practice theirspokeen English based on IELTS test questions.

July, 2015 to August, 2016: OVO International School, here I taught middle and high school students in English and History.

August, 2012 to June, 2015: Lignan Intermational Kindergarten teaching kindergarden age children full time.


TEFL Certificate received March, 2010
Temple University, School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Juris Doctorate Degree received June, 1996

Florida International University, Miami, Florida
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Degree received August, 1992

Miami Dade Community College, Miami, Florida
Associate of Arts Degree received August, 1990

Miami Springs Senior High, Miami, Florida
High School Diploma received May, 1989


Geraci Law LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Conducted phone consultations with individuals interested in filing for consumer bankruptcy. Reviewed prospective clients’ financial information to determine whether they were qualified for relief under the bankruptcy laws.

Law Office of Binder and Binder, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Associate Attorney: Attorney in a high volume law firm specializing in the representation of claimants before the Social Security Administration.
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