A bit about me
Male | Virgo | born in 1980-1989 | from: Brazil
I am currently in Xiao Langfang,Langfang,Hebei
English language teacher at Field Education China (15/11/17 - to the present)
English language teacher at Luziana Lanna Brazil (01/08 /15- 31/10/17);
volunteer work: teaching English for ASPROM (24/08 / 15- 24/07/16 );
English language teacher at Zanol Language School (2012 - 2015);
English Language teacher in the non-governmental organization Social Lindéia neighborhood Report; Responsible for organizing the classes, content selection and preparation of material (9 months - 2010);
Trainee Latin American languages department at Baylor University in Texas (September to December 2011)
volunteer intern at the regional hospital Waco- VA Medical Center, working with research about Positive Psychology; (3 months, 2011).
Participation as an applicator of government exams such as Projovem- Urbano;
Bachelor's degree in psychology at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - 2015
Exchange student experience int the US in 2011. Baylor University - Waco, Texas
Organizing and participating in a lecture given on the theme Capitalist World: Have x Being; for elementary and high school students; Participation in course taught by Cooperative Ocemg;