A bit about me

Male | Virgo | born in 1950-1959 | from: Canada
I am currently in Lille
I am Canadian of origin – born in Windsor, Ontario – but have spent the past 25 years living and working in France and around the world. In my academic career, I have worked in over 60 countries; managed teams of 20 – 150 people; been responsible for budgets of 1.5 million € - 4 million €; managed researchers and professors from many different countries; worked in and with top companies and governmental authorities; been actively involved in almost 20 EQUIS and AACSB Accreditations; been on Steering Committees and Advisory Boards of accreditation bodies and business schools all over the world.

What can I, who was a lawyer in Windsor for 9 years; a management consultant in Paris for almost 5 years; and now 18 years in academics, offer your institution what other candidates cannot (aside from my skills in managing people, balancing budgets, earning revenues through interesting and innovative projects, leading teams, creating successful strategies, teaching top level students and participants all over the world, introducing innovative pedagogical and experiential learning strategies, working with top business executives all over the world):

1. I can deal with academics at all levels: Teaching, Research, other activities;
2. I can work, socialize, discuss and negotiate with top level business people. From my varying experiences as lawyer and consultant, this was my life for those many years. It is something I love and am very good at;
3. I know how to deal with other cultures and know the importance of having a diverse student and professorial body. I can negotiate my way in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, North America;
4. I know how to earn revenue. My creation of Double Degree and Joint Programs has earned IESEG over 2 million € in revenue in 2016. I know how to balance budgets and respect the fund raising requirements of a successful Dean;
5. I am 62 years old. Some would consider this a handicap but I consider it an incredible advantage through my extensive experience in both business and academics. I am in top physical condition and ran the Amsterdam Half Marathon in October 2015 in a time of 2.08. I will run the Vienna Half Marathon in April with a goal of 2.05. I also do 3 – 5 10 km races each year and spend 3 days a week in the gym weightlifting. Maybe leftovers from my hockey days in Canada.
6. I speak fluent French. Maybe not too significant in China, but on the world stage this could be a distinct advantage.
7. Lack of Ph. D. A weakness or a significant advantage in managing diverse groups of people? To me a total advantage as I have the ability to work with all administrative teams, teaching and research teams. The Provost at Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A. – a lawyer by training and by practice - should be seen as a successful example.

Innovative, dynamic, caring, daring - I have the personality and background to maintain these ideals. It will be much worth your while to give this a try – I am definitely not your typical academic. Sometimes taking a risk works out.
Sincerely yours,
Stephen Murdoch
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