A bit about me

Male | Virgo | born in 1990-1999 | from: Mexico
I am currently in no. 24 Dongzhimen Beizhong Street, Beijing ,Dongzhimenwai and Sanlitun,East City Dongcheng District,Beijing

- 2013: two semesters of Bachelor’s Degree in History at Facultad de
Filosofía y letras of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
- 2014- ongoing: Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations at the
Center of International Studies of El Colegio de México.
- Member of the Editorial Board and chief editor of Ágora,
students’ journal of the Center of International Studies of El
Colegio de México.
- 2016, Research Assistant of Diego Pulido Esteva, scholar of the
Dirección de Estudios Históricos, INAH. Themes: Public safety,
police and drunkenness in the nineteenth century.
- Spanish
- English: C1 of CAE

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