A bit about me
Male | Aries | born in 1990-1999 | from: Nigeria
I am currently in Stellenbosch
I worked as a youth fitness and football coach in Stellenbosch for Glenn Eagles FC. I have held this position from 2014-2017. The children are different ages.
Secondary education: High school certificate obtained at Gbagada Grammar School
From 2005-2010
1. English
2. Maths
3. Commerce
4. Economics
5. Accounting
6. Physical Science
7. History
Tertiary education: Diploma in Banking & Finance obtained at Lagos State Polytechnic
From 2010-2012
1) Nigeria National U17 invitation 2009
2) Winner of the Senators Cup with Owoiya 2008
3) Award for Best Player at Glenn Eagles FC 2015