A bit about me

Female | Leo | born in 1990-1999 | from: Ukraine
I am currently in Dongguan,Dongguan,Guangdong

Logistic company agent
-Chinese-Russian and Russian-Chinese translation
(documents, phone talk, email)
- Customer finding
- Company advertising
(making logo, business cards, brochures, social networks groups administration)

Fair accompanying
- Product finding
-Chinese-Russian and Russian-Chinese translation
-Ordering goods
Booking tickets, hotel, transport

Freelance translation
-Volunteer translation «Tales of demons and gods», «Reincarnator»
-Technical translation (Instructions, handbooks and manuals from English and Chinese to Russian)

Private Chinese tutor
-Chinese lessons for beginner
- Introduction in language and grammar points
-Oral language practice

- Sun Yatsen University - School of Chinese as a second language
(From September 2014 to June 2016)
-LNU of Taras Shevchenko – International relationships
(From September 2016 to now)

A responsible person with high potential. Fast learner, creative, good with children, communicative. Ready for move. Studied music at the art school (piano, singing and violin)
Russian and Ukrainian – native speaker
English : Upper intermediate
Chinese: HSK 5
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