A bit about me

Female | Virgo | born in 1990-1999 | from: China
I am currently in 21 Tangxing Rd,Xian,Shan3xi

BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC., St. Paul, MN 06/2014 – Present
Engineering Technician
Improve operations using variety of tools to reduce waste and optimize product workflow. Ensure tools and equipment meet production requirementsby delegatingqualification activities and supervising.Confirm equipment meetssterilization validation requirements of International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Investigate established processes to find and eliminate inefficiencies and improve production.
Key Accomplishments:
• Received one letter of recognition for excellent project management, initiative, and efficiency.
• Optimized production workflow by using AutoCAD to reorganize production floor layout.
• Increased production efficiency of surgical tools by creating process flow diagrams reducing waste and improving workflow.
• Reduced production waste by 5% per month by using root cause analysis.

Master of Science in Engineering Management | St. Cloud State University,St. Cloud, MN, 2016
Coursework: Engineering Project Management, Quality Engineering
Bachelor of Managementin Industrial Eng. Mgmt. |Xi’an University of Technology,Shannxi, China, 2013
Coursework: Applied Statistics, Operational Research, Basis of Drawing, AutoCAD

Project Management Professional | Project Management Institute, 2014
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt |Minnesota West Community & Technical College, , 2014
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