A bit about me
Male | Leo | born in 1990-1999 | from: India
I am currently in Hepingli South Street,Lama Temple and Guozijian,East City Dongcheng District,Beijing
Senior Business Development Manager
Kika Tech, Inc., Beijing (China)
1 Mar 2016–Present
- Find local partners from India for Kika Keyboard - Partnerships with local handset manufacturers - Contacting sports teams from US and Europe
- Find content license for Kika Keyboard
Overseas Operations Manager
Kika Tech, Inc.
Jun 2015–Present
- Find latest trends with in the App industry to add to the product - Localize the product for the Indian Market
- Contact potential partners and content providers- Help with social media management- Interact with users on Google Play, Facebook, Twitter ... etc to understand the user needs and help Product Team make informed decisions.
National President
AIESEC in Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
1 Jul 2013–30 Jun 2014
Strategy and operations management:
- Implement ideas from the international network, align the national direction with global plan and strategies
- Delivering national strategic planning and tracking, follow up operations and goal achievement - Ensure the national and local operations' alignment
- Embed Local Committee President team into the national level operations, strategies, tracking and making sure the national strategies are implemented on local level
- Legal and financial responsibilities
- Representing AIESEC on external conferences and events
- Managing relationship with other organizations (non-corporate, student, governmental, corporate)
National VP for Student Exchange
AIESEC in Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)
1 Oct 2012–30 Jun 2013
- Managed members and team leaders from 4 different local offices in Lithuania (2 in Vilnius, 1 in Kanuas and 1 in Siauliai)
- Interviewing and selecting students for our internship program
- Tracking and maintaining national files for Student Internships.
- Created and using Rewards and Recognition system
- Training members in 'How to market Internships' and also delivering sessions on the same. - Helping Lithuanian Students find international Internships.
1 Jun 2012–30 Oct 2012
- Helped send 70 students for international internships, overseeing a growth of 43% compared to previous year.
- Holding Cultural preparation classes for the selected students.
Junior SEO Analyst
Astrea Networkds Pvt Ltd, Cochin (India)
- Link building for our clients (Servers Australia and My-Spycam.com)
- Social Media management.
- Worked on content creation and content management.
- Helping the client's website rank better on Google and Bing Searches for specific keywords. - Back link profiling of competitor websites, to understand and how we can leverage that to our advantage.
- Managing Google Analytics, Google Webmaster tools and Google Keyword analysis to help understand what should be target keywords.
Mechatronics Engineering (Bachelor Degree)