A bit about me

Female | Sagittarius | born in 1990-1999 | from: France
I am currently in N°59 Zhongguancun,Renmin University,Haidian District,Beijing

Four-month working experience in a Chinese law-firm (legal assistant), responsible for foreign clients management, legal research, case handling.
One-year working experience in a multinational law-firm (apprenticeship) ;
Private tutoring experience (two years, French, German, English) ;
Temporary public officer in the French Labor Administration, responsible for the edition of legal content destinated to the general public.
More than three years of experience in the field of institutional childcare (from 7 to 13 years old) as a summer camp director.

Master's degree in Chinese Business Law, University of Aix-Marseille, France ;
Master's degree in Chinese Civil Law, Renmin University of China, Beijing, PRC ;
Bachelor's degree in Economics, University of Angers, France.

Excellent writing skills ; Conversational Chinese Skills ; TOEIC (score 945) ; Creativity.

Modeling : Brown hair (bob cut) ; Brown eyes ; 186 cm ; 60kg (slim).
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