A bit about me

Male | | born in 1960-1969 | from: United States of America
I am currently in Near Metro line 9, Songjiang sports center.,Songjiang,Shanghai
Paul McNealy

Experienced professional with excellent interpersonal skills: able to work as part of a team, independently or lead. Able to meet company goals and deadlines. Team player who loves to teach children, I have had many jobs in the past, but I have only truly enjoyed teaching Children, I love what I do, and it shows.
Sesame street Changhua Taiwan March 2012-July 2015
Conversational English Teacher
Taught children ages 4-16, 25 hours per week, at multiple schools, learned many different styles for teaching children, and other work related issues.
K and H International (Kaidun180) Shanghai, China March 2012-July 2014
Conversational English Teacher
Taught Children ages 2-12, 15 hours per week, enjoyed working overtime frequently, team player helped many other teachers to acclimate to Shanghai, and teaching. As always enjoyed teaching children the basics in behavior, and English.
DisneyEnglish Shanghai, China Feb 2011- Current
Conversational English Teacher
Taught Children ages 2-12, 23 hours per week in the DisneyEnglish fashion, very interactive with a positive manner of style of class room set up. Had the most renewals . Received training including receiving my TEFL-C, through Disney English

Sinbang Elementary School – Changwon, South Korea Sept 2009- Nov 2010
Conversational English Teacher
Taught 22 hours per week, children age 8-13, with no co-teacher.
Due to word of mouth and happy children, total children, went from 150 to 240 in total for the campus.

Exit Realty - Chicago IL 2007 - 2009
Staff Accountant
Accounts payable- keyed in all bills and printed checks. Verified accuracy of purchase orders and invoices.Prepared payroll by calculating all time sheets and related duties.
Created Excel spreadsheets for the budget preparation, maintenance, and projections.
Handled diverse tasks simultaneously- assisted with construction and deadlines by working on any required project.
Worked closely with other departments to ensure company stability and longevity.
Developed and implemented project-orientated financial solutions.

AccountResource/ Publications Limited International - Chicago IL 2008 - 2008
Staff Accountant
Daily bank reconciliations with several intermingled accounts and thousands of vendors.
Accurately prepared monthly account analysis of consulting, recruiting and payroll.
Alleviated management workloads by assuming ownership of projects.
Assisted in interdepartmental issues.
Updated and verified vendors contracts quarterly to ensure accurate and timely payments.
Tracked outdated and obsolete data/ forms/contracts. Ensured proper storage or destruction.

Lifetime Fitness - Savage, MN 2005- 2007
Department Manager
Auditing payroll, reviewing supply spending, and completing customer service requests.
Responsible for the hiring, training, and supervision of my staff.
Improved customer branch satisfaction to second place, from forty-second place nationally.
Utilized time management and organizational skills by managing staff workloads.
Supervised staff members by maintaining open communication and assessing daily performance.
Maintained management communication.

Temporary Accounting Placements - Chicago, IL 1998 2000
Staff Accountant
CB Richard Ellis
Managed the accounting aspects of eight properties nationwide.
Merchandise Mart Properties
Managed the leasing and maintenance (CAM) and worked on special projects in a timely manner.
PM Vanguard (property management firm)
Managed the accounting aspects of forty properties.
Anderson Consulting (now Accenture) - Chicago, IL 1997 - 1998
Benefits Analyst
Conducted daily audits of 401k and other benefit transactions for all employees of Arthur Anderson, Anderson Worldwide, and Anderson Consulting (approximately 100,000 employees and retirees).
Met daily with Hewitt (benefits consultant) regarding each client? fund balance reconciliation.
Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated various mutual funds performances for suitability in our employee benefits packages.

Heitman Financial - Chicago, IL 1996 - 1997
Staff Analyst
Acted as liaison between investors and property management.
Controlled budget, cash flow, and capital expenditure.
Analyzed and made adjustments/corrections, as required on Group Trust III -comprising of five retail and six office properties.
Prepared financial statements and schedules.
Monitored cash and accounts receivable.
TEFl-C February-May 2011
Bachelors of Science Degree, Accounting 1995
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, ILL
Microsoft Office: Excel,Word, Outlook, Access, and PowerPoint
Skyline, J.D. Edwards, Great Plaines, Lotus 1-2-3
United States Army - Ft Myer, VA 1987 - 1991
Soldier in the THE OLD GUARD (First Presidential Escort, HONOR GUARD).
Developed training and leadership skills to successfully execute the assigned mission.
Attained the rank of E4 Specialist and worked as a team leader.
Top Secret Security Clearance
Comair/Delta Air Academy - Sanford, FL 2002 – 2004 Commercial multi-engine with instrument rating license
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