A bit about me

Female | | born in 1980-1989 | from: Ukraine
I am currently in Personal Stylist Shopper, Visual Merchandising,Huangpu,Guangzhou,Guangdong
Job Experience:
2015(March)-at present-Visual Merchandising, Buyer. Shoes Shop GABBAY.(Part time). Guangzhou,China
2013 (September) - 2014 (April) – Stylist Assistant and administrator (Counseling and individual tailoring development, website works, show room creating, administrative work) Fashion Studio PURITY. Kiev, Ukraine
2012 (October) - at present - The Personal Stylist Shopper. (Part-time). Kiev, Ukraine- Guangzhou, China.
2012 (October) - 2013 (January) - lecturer of Stylist-Shopper course (Image , Story Fashion of the 20th century, Definition of color and shape types, creating a wardrobematrix). St. Petersburg School of Photography and Television. Kiev, Ukraine
2012 (July) - 2012 (August) - stylist on the Dream way International Company photoproject . Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
2012 (January) - 2012 (December) - the practical work of the GK - Formación Stylist School. Madrid, Spain.
2009 (January) - 2012 (May) - Private lessons of the Russian language for Hispanic (Part-time). Madrid, Spain
2011 (February) - 2012 (January) - Secretary -referent. IGENMAI - sales and development of a Software for Engineering-Constructing firms. Madrid, Spain.
2006 (March) - 2008 (January) - Junioraccounting specialist . "Yug-contract" - Sale of digital products. Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
2004 (March) - 2006 (January) - Shop assistant. "BoBiju" - jewelry department . Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
2000 (August) - 2004 (February) - Seller-cashier (Era 101). "Modu" -Shoe department. Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
2002-2007 Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy. Rational use of water resources. Water and Wastewater. Bachelor's degree. Extramural studies . Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
2012(March-July)-Visual Merchandising. Madrid, Spain
2012 (March - June) Creación y Diseño de Contenidos Digitales. Creation and development of digital content. Center CEPI .Madrid, Spain.
2012 (January - May) Professional Shopper. School GK - Formación. Madrid, Spain.
2012 (February- March) Spanish language. The B1 level. Center of information and guidance on the integration of immigrants. Madrid, Spain.
2011 (November) - 2012 (February) Spanish language of B1 Academic level. Asilim Center . Madrid, Spain.
2010 (November) Exam in Spanish for immigrants. Nebruja University. Madrid, Spain.
2010 (September-December) Spanish language A1level . Center of information and guidance on the integration of immigrants. Madrid, Spain.
1999 (September) -2000 (June) Shopper-Bartender. "Kadry" Training Production Centre Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.

Languages spoken:
Russian - Upper Advanced
Ukrainian - Upper Advanced

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