A bit about me

Female | | born in 1990-1999 | from: Ukraine
I am currently in 金华,婺城区,Jinhua,Zhejiang

• Worked in kindergarten (English teacher)

• Worked at Jinhua English school(English teacher)

• Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Luhansk, Ukraine 2009 – 2014.
Faculty of Foreign Languages,
Specialization-Chinese and English languages

• 浙江师范大学 2014-2016,Specialization-汉语国际教育

English – advanced (both writing and reading),Chinese-upper-intermediate.
SPECIAL SKILLS: I am highly skilled in the use of computers and the Internet, including Microsoft Office, Internet searches.
Hobbies: travelling, reading books (classical literature, novels).
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