A bit about me
Male | | born in 1950-1959 | from: Croatia (Hrvatska)
I am currently in Sokolgradska 19
1981 - 1984 Joined photo agency SIPA PRESS Paris, France. Covered politcal events in East Europe, Soviet Union and conflicts in Middle East
1984 Photograph from the funeral of Yuri Andropov, General
secretary of KPSS on Red Sq. in Moscow published in TIME magazine special issue - Year in pictures
1984 - 1989 Contributing photographer for photo agency GAMMA PRESSE IMAGES, Paris, France. Covered politcal events in East Europe, Soviet Union, Middle East, North Korea
1989 Contributing photographer for New York Times Magazine for East Europe and Soviet Union
1990 - 1993 Covering Balkan conflicts for GAMMA PRESS IMAGES
1999 Photograph from funeral of Yuri Andropov published in TIME magazine in 1984 selected for the book CENTURY - selection of the best news photographs of 20th century
2000 - 2010 Editor-in-Chief of Croatian soccer monthly “Nogomet”
2010/13 Art director at KL marketing agency, Croatia
2013/ 14 Art director at Rainbow studio - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam