A bit about me
Female | | born in 1970-1979 | from: Singapore
I am currently in Seoul
- Completed Talent Training Course conducted by Television Corporation of Singapore (TCS) and part time actor with TCS
- Breadtalk advertisement for National Kidney Foundation Charity Show
- Participated in educational video for Singapore Health Promotion Board/TAF Program
- Participated in TCS Channel 5 English sitcom ‘Achar’
- Participated in TCS Channel 8 Chinese drama 'Destiny/ 梦在手里’
- Cover model for Social Development Network Singapore’s 'Duet' Magazine August-November 2011 edition
- Yonsei University Korean Language Institute (Level 2)
- Orchard School of Arts & Commerce, Proficiency in Japanese (Basic stage I), JLPT4
- Bachelor in Accountancy