A bit about me
Female | Pisces | born in 1980-1989 | from: Vietnam
I am currently in Quang Trung street, Ho Chi Minh city
PR/ Marketing/ Event / Artist manager
Always cooperate with other members in group.
Have ability to express opinions clearly and concisely.
Have ability to express and inspire hope into the crowd.
Have ability to build and maintain relationships.
Have ability to sing and feel the music
Have ability to write the screenplay and music video script
Have ability to create, organize and coordinate music concert, arts programs, community programs
2008 - 2010, Intermediate of Business Administration, Ho Chi Minh College of External Economic, Viet Nam.
【Other Achievements
2014, Certificate of Project director of Unescom Ho Chi Minh of Unesco World
2014, Certificate of Human Resource Management
2012, Certificate of Event Manager
2012 Certificate of Public Relations - Marketing
2012 Certificate of Leadership