A bit about me

Male | | from: United States of America
I am currently in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu
Mark W. McDonald, American, experienced esl teacher, My e mail is marwmc@frontiernet.net –present location Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China I am very young in appearance and energetic.

I am looking for an esl job with a starting date of around September 2011 or a month or two later).
I am already on the China Mainland, and my preferences are to stay and teach in China, a)especially in or near Suzhou and Yangzhou city on the Mainland, b) Hong Kong, c) Taiwan, and then I would consider other opportunities in Asia, but I have no real preferences after tlhat, Singapore, Korea, Japan, where else is there to teach in Asia I am not so sure.

I am presently employed on a 2 year contract until end August, 2011, I am the head of the English department and an esl teacher at Global IELTS, a private school (mostly young adults, aged 8, or 13 to 28), in summer we have as many as 25 or more students in a class with one teacher.

I worked for the Berlitz language school in Paris and in Saint Germain en Laye, France from October 8, 1978 to end March, 1997. I left there because of a divorce and returned shortly to New York, U.S.A.

I worked for a small language school called ILA in the 8th district of Paris, January 1998 to either late summer or fall of 1999.

I taught in one more language school over a 2 year period 1999- 2001, but also I taught privately over that time between 1999 and until December, 2003.

Again in late 2003 I returned to live in New York State, In New York I worked for a time as a substitute teacher and I also worked in Monticello High School as a hall monitor, person taking care that the students attended their classes.

Global IELTS, esl teacher of Oral English and head of the Foreign Engliish teachers there September 3 2009 – to end of August around August 22nd or 26th 2011.

I am a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. Naturally I have a lot of experience, a lot of wit, sense of humour, a friendly personalilty, good listener, but also good at getting students to speak and peppering them with questions, prompts, and follow up questions, and paraphrasing to get them to speak.

I graduated with a BA in political science from SUNY at New Paltz (New York) in May, 1978 with the mention ‘cum laude’ because I had a grade point average of 3.26.

My hobbies and passions have always been a) baseball, b) music (all kinds), c) history and politics, and I should mention my love of teaching the students here in Yangzhou are fantastic and I have made many friends among them. Although my present salary is 12,000 rmb, from which I pay my rent, I will consider what offer your school will make. I can assure you that I am a good investment and a loyal employee at whatever salary you can offer.

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