A bit about me

Male | | from: United States of America
I am currently in Changsha, Hunan China
Dear Colleague,

Please allow this letter and the accompanying resume to act as a first step towards gaining the position with your University. You will see from my resume that I am uniquely qualified.

I have been teaching as an adjunct of just such a course at Lorain County Community College since 1998. I have gained the confidence of my colleagues and the Arts and Humanities staff. Students leave my class having learned to choose, research, structure, outline, write, illustrate and present speeches.

Along with that they develop confidence, constructive critique and cooperation.

I am currently teaching oral and written English in Changsha, Hunan, China. This is a great challenge as well as an invaluable learning experience.

The position you have open is a perfect way for me to share my skills and experiences in such a way as to advance the success of my students as well as National College.

I look forward to hearing from you soon to better discuss how I can help National College reach it's goals, the education of tomorrows workforce.


Ronald J. Schuver
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