A bit about me

Female | | from: United States of America
I am currently in Maryland, USA
Towson University, Summer 2006
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Fall 2002-Spring 2006
Bachelor of Science: Molecular Biology
Semester Academic Honors, 2002 spring
* Awarded, UMBC President’s scholarship (2002-2006)
This scholarship is presented in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, high ethical standards, and leadership ability. It is one of the freshman merit awards.


Feb. 2010 - Present Pharmacy Technician, Rite Aid, Arbutus, MD USA

Feb. 2009- Jan. 2010 2009Corporate English Instructor, Descente, Yeoksam, Seoul

Aug. 2008 – Jan. 2009Corporate English Instructor, LG Electronics, Yeoksam, Seoul

Apr. 2008 - Jan. Corporate English instructor, GS Holdings, Yeoksam, Seoul

Oct. 2007- Jan. 2009 Academic Coordinator/ Head Teacher, YBM International Academy, Gaepo, Seoul

April 2007-Oct. 2007 Teacher, Chung Dahm Institute, Mapo, Seoul

April 2007-July 2007 Teacher, Han Ga Ram High School, Mokdong, Seoul

Mar. 2006- Mar.2007
Assistant Director/ Head Teacher, C2 Cambridge Learning Center, Timonium USA

Sept. 2001- Mar.2007 Assistant Director/ Secretary, C2 Cambridge Learning Center, Columbia USA

June 2000- Present Math, Science, and English private tutor

Nov. 2005-Apr. 2006 Receptionist/Secretary, Dr.Lee’s Endocrinology Clinic


March 2005 Volunteer, International Service Learning, Costa Rica and Panama

Aug 2004 Volunteer, at University of MD Medical Center, Shock Trauma Operating Room

July-Aug. 2001, 2002 Volunteer, Cedar Lane School for Disabled Children


• Participated in a service event at St. Vincent’s Center hosted by Golden Key Honor Society. St. Vincent’s Center is a group home for children ages 2-12 located in Timonium, MD. I read to the kids and led them in a craft project.

• Volunteered at Florence and Bain Senior Center in Columbia, MD. I decorated the cafeteria and dining room with my posters and pictures. I talked to the seniors, read them books, and kept their company.

• Volunteered at YMCA located in Catonsville, MD for the patients with multiple sclerosis. I helped them with their movements in the swimming pool. I learned several workout moves that are helpful for patients with multiple sclerosis.


•Member, UMBC Pre-medical Society (Fall 2002-May 2006).

•Member, UMBC Korean Christian Ministry (Fall 2003- Spring 2004)

•Historic chair and member, UMBC Korean Student Association (Jan 2002-May 2006)


• Trilingual (Fluent in both Korean and English, and 5 years of Spanish).
• Very organized and representative.
• Have been skiing and snowboarding for ten years.
• Have learned traditional Korean instruments, such as jang-goo, and ggwang-ga-ri from intangible cultural person, who was appointed by the nation.
• Learned swing dance and still am a member of Swing Friends Club.
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